Monday, November 16, 2009

I've Moved!

Howdy Friends,

I've started a new blog relationship and have moved over to Look for me at my new blog home and celebrate life with me!

All the Best,

Deliberate Purpose

“Consciously or unconsciously, every one of us does render some service or other. If we cultivate the habit of doing this service deliberately, our desire for service will steadily grow stronger, and will make, not only our own happiness, but that of the world at large.” ~ Mahatma Gandhi -1869-1948, Indian Political and Spiritual Leader

Pain Management

Learn to manage your pain with meditation:

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Sunday, October 11, 2009


Perception. We all have it and use it all day long. Perception is different than fingers in that it colors the way we experience people, places, and events, in the past, present, and future.
How is it affecting your life?

Six wise men of India,
An elephant did find
And carefully they felt its shape for all of them were blind.

The first felt toward the tusk "It does to me appear,

This marvel of an elephant is very like a spear."
The second sensed the creatures side extended flat and tall "Aha!"
He cried and did conclude "this animal's a wall."

The third had reached toward a leg and said "It's clear to me
What we should all have instead this creature's like a tree."
The fourth had come upon the trunk which he did seize and shake,
Quoth he "this so-called elephant is really just a snake."

The fifth had felt the creature's ear and fingers o'er it ran

"I have the answer never fear the creature's like a fan."

The sixth had come upon the tail blindly he did grope
"Let my conviction now prevail this creature's like a rope."
And so these men of missing sight each argued loud and long

Though each was partly in the right they were all in the wrong.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Yoga Wednesday

5:30 – 6:45 pm

It’s hump day – time to lighten up! This yoga class is all about helping you pounce out stress so you can glide through the rest of your week. Get your grins on with laughter yoga, child-like play, and community connections. Expand yourSelf with the yogic wisdom that Frances infuses throughout the class. The asanas are a mix of therapeutic and challenging fun. The breathing exercises are detoxifying and rejuvenating, and mellow out your monkey mind. Tame is only part of the experience, however; this class is known for flirtation with your wild side, such as the Howling Down-Dog. In good weather, we practice in the park at the River and show off our delightfully hip ways! Namastizzle!

The Yogic Lounge
100 N. Arlington Ave

Sunday, January 27, 2008


Namaste Twisted Yogis!

Mom used to say (and sometimes still does), "Now straighten up, girl!" After years of yoga practice, I finally understand the importance of not straightening up (which essentially requires that I approach the world in a fixed way when the world doesn't approach me in a fixed way!). It just so happens that I like my twisted ways!

As rebellious as this may sound, I'm really no baddie. That's because a flexible spine is a flexible mind. Getting twisted regularly helps our minds to adjust to and grow from challenging and awkward situations. Have you ever observed someone in an uncomfortable situation nearly crumble inside from the pressure? The mind likes predictability, and it carefully constructs a world that maximizes pleasure, minimizes pain, and invites few surprises. When something unexpected enters the scene of such a controlled reality, the mind may struggle to adjust and respond well, thus making for a more difficult experience. Now, think of someone who always seems to adjust to the changing scenes of life with grace, authenticity, and little stress. Who would you rather emulate?

The yogis teach that as we are in our bodies, so are we in our minds. The goal of yoga is to find unshakable happiness. No matter what experience enters your world, a conditioned nervous system and polished mind responds with steadiness, never losing your source of joy. The more often we twist and tune our spines, the more adaptable we become both physically and psychologically. Twists also massage the spine and internal organs, helping us to relax with reality as it is. Eventually, we discover that situations don't make us who we are; we are made who we are by our responses to our situations.

If you want to gain the skills to respond to your unique circumstances with more skill, authenticity, and ease, then I suggest getting a little twisted with me this week.

Om Shanti, Shanti, Shanti
ॐ शांति, शांति, शांति