Friday, November 30, 2007

Hit the Jackpot

You are more than your grades, your thoughts, your present experience. Retain your smile through all experiences, and you will be richer than the richest person alive.

My friends tell a story of an old man that lived his life begging from his townspeople. Shortly after his passing, the town folk sought to "purify" the land on which he'd spent his life. Almost as soon as the excavation began, they unearthed hidden treasures - gold, diamonds, rubies, emeralds. It was all buried treasure, long since forgotten. Sadly, the beggar lived his life in poverty and struggle. If only he had known about the wealth upon which he'd spent all his years living in suffering . . .!

When we require compliments from a lover, a good grade on an exam, or approval from someone in order to feel good about ourselves, we are beggars. We are acting impoverished and must be enriched by external feedback in order to feel wealthy. This weakened state is not your nature, and arises due to ignorance of the riches inside of you. Let the challenges polish and refine you like gold and diamonds.

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