Tuesday, December 11, 2007

May I Be

So often we equate suffering with something negative. Often, suffering is the very thing which breaks the hard shell that hides our Magnificence. It shows us our depth. Though it seems like a curse, when embraced, pain can be a tremendous gift. It is the deliverer of great wisdom.
Relax when pain visits you, as this will lesson the struggle, allowing you to develop skill and insight.

Inside of every painful experience, there is a space that remains untarnished. The yogi's call this the Self, and nothing can harm it. Suffering brings us home to that very space, where we experience our Divine inner dwelling. Pain is the gift that takes us to the depth and Divinity that we might otherwise never discover. The idea that you are damaged deep within is an illusion, because your depth can never be harmed. Go deeper than the scars and the pain, and you will discover the deepest calm, beauty, and love imaginable.

May I be like Sandalwood -

the more I am ground,
the better my fragrance.

May I be like Sugarcane -
the more I am chewed,
the more my sweetness comes.

May I be like Gold -
the more I am beaten,
the more I shine.

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